Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do i know that my video card slot is PCI Express 8x or 16x, i have acer aspire T660-1B70 built-in card?

On my PC the motherboard have 2 white slot one is using for 56k modem, the other one is vacant and one slot black also vacant. Can i use both for video card those two slot|||8x or 16 x can be figured out from the length of the slot.

Or, more easily, by looking at the manufacturer's specification page. You have a single 16x PCI-Express 1.0 slot. And, yes, most PCI Express 2.0 video cards are backward compatible with 1.0. You do take a performance hit. You can't use the shorter, white PCI slots for video cards.|||Cant tell...cant find that model A PCIe slot will be longer than the one your modem is in. PCIe as far as I know are all X16. Some mother boards with two PCIe slots will run the first graphics card at X16 and the other at only x8 even though the cards itself is x16. The mother board cant run both at x16. If you have built in graphics and all slots are the same length you may not have a PCIe slot, just PCI slots. If the two white slots look very short (as compared to a standard PCI slot) they would be PCI x1 slots (many new modems and sound cards use this slot) If you find you only have PCI slots then you can use ONE for a PCI video card. PCI won't run Xfire or SLI.|||PCIe x 16…

You can add a PCI video card too, either in the PCI regular slot or the PCI Express® X1 slot

PCI will need a PCI Conventional Video card (ignore the first one its PCIe)…

The PCI Express® X1 slot ill need a PCI X1 card…|||Well the 56k modem is using a PCI slot, not a PCI express. For telling what type of PCIE slots you have, look for your mobo's model number and punch it in google. You should get a link to the manufacturers sight with specs or a third party vender with specs. This should tell you what you need, also if you take a 16x card and put it in an 8x slot, the card will automatically down clock.

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