Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is the performance loss of using a pci-e x16 2.0 video card on a pci-e x16 slot?

I was planning on getting this video card…

and i wanted to know how much of a performance loss would be noticeable on a pci-e x16 video card, because that is all I have on my mobo.|||No performance loss. That's right, NONE.

No single graphics card can max out the bandwidth of a PCIExpress 16x v1.0 slot.

Only high-powered SLI setups would max out PCIe 1.0, so those work best with PCIe 2.0.

That HD4890 will work just fine on your PCIe 16x v1.0 slot.|||I found this site that had a bunch of info on video cards like side by side comparable stats and which ones were the best for the money and brand. I think itll help you out, just click on the third link down.

HOpe it helps :)|||2.0 just means it will run faster (faster transfer)it shouldn't show a noticeable difference in graphics accept for it has the possibility to lag a little more

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