Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do I know if I have a AGP or PCI slot for my video card?

How do I know if I have a AGP or PCI slot for my video card?|||AGP slot is brown. PCI is white.|||open up the computer and look at the motherboard. The pci slots are positioned below the agp. The agp is further into the middle of the board and brown. Pci are white.|||The AGP slot is closest slot to the CPU it is offset toward the center of the mobo and has a locking pin at the rear of the slot. When you put the video card in the slot, the locking pin holds the card in place. Some mobos have a PCI-e slot for your video card. You must buy a card that is designed for PCI-e for it to work in that type of slot. AGP video cards will only work in AGP slots. PCI-e looks something like this: ----- --. AGP like this: -----x (x denotes a locking pin). Regular PCI: -----------.|||Your computer manual should tell you. Or you can open up your case and take a look..……|||agp is about 1/2 or less the size of a pci card>? go to a reliable site that has instructions like the one below its an xlnt site that you can see the pictures etc by looking at the mother boards and the parts in question enjoy!|||…

The five white slots are pci and the brown slot at the top is an agp

you will notice the agp slot is not as big as the pci and it is also mounted between the pci slots and the cpu

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